– Case Study –
PVA Fishing Mesh
Our client, an ‘angling products manufacturer and retailer’ based in the UK wishes to remain anonymous.
– The Project –
PVA Fishing Mesh
Our client recognised an inherent problem with an established product in the market. The product, a tubular fabric made using PVA yarn to hold bait for fishing was regularly unravelling in the hands of anglers, thus creating a lot of waste material and negative feedback from anglers.
Our client realised the potential of having a fray-free PVA tubular fabric and contacted Culzean to seek assistance with developing a new product.
– The Textile Solution –
PVA Fishing Mesh
Culzean Textiles developed a warp knitted tubular fabric using PVA yarn that had excellent resistance to fraying. The fabric was also designed to other specific requirements such as hoop stretch/recovery and porosity.
Culzean also recognised the cost implications of the expensive but essential PVA yarns and developed a suitable knitting structure that created the desired physical properties while also minimising the yarn consumption, thus minimising the material costs.
Since the initial Textile Solution, Culzean continued to work with the client taking the concept from an initial sample to volume manufacture of two different sizes of PVA mesh tubes.
If you have a specific requirement or need an entirely different type of product, please contact us to discuss your requirements. We love a challenge!